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Barge with split crane

Barge with split crane
When the vessel must pass through water gates, bridge piers, waterways, etc. during voyage, the crane barge can be disassembled, voyaged, and reassembled on-site for use.
(▲Photo above)
Toyosu: 200t lift
When assembled (width 18.0m length 42.0m)
When divided (width 10.0m, length 42.0m, height above water surface 3.7m)
Barge with split crane
(▼Photo below)
Toyosu: 55t lifted
When assembled (width 12.1m length 25.0m)
When divided (width 7.5m, length 25.0m, height above water surface 2.7m)

Extendable spud barge

Extendable spud barge
In locations where there are restrictions on overhead space, such as for revetments and bridge construction, barges can be safely moored using telescopic spuds that extend below the waterline.

Deep water rubble trame system

Deep water rubble trame system
In waters over 100m deep, we perform accurate rock rippling (ROCKBERM) work using a combination of a DP (Dynamic Position Keeping) vessel and an ROV tremie system.
"(Technical collaboration with Seki Kaiji Kogyosho Co., Ltd.)"
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