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Surveying, investigation apparatus - GNSS surveying instrument

An apparatus name: RTK-GNSS
Standard, abilityAmountRemarks
Static precision: Horizontal ± (3mm +0.1 ppm), perpendicular ± (3.4mm +0.4 ppm)
RTK-GPS precision: Horizontal ± (10mm +1 ppm), perpendicular ± (20mm +1 ppm)
<static legal threshold surveying>
I use several receivers and observe it for a certain period of time at the same time. The procedure of work regulations of the public surveying can survey the sub-ukode 1-4 grade threshold.

<threshold surveying by the VRS-GNSS method>
It is called a virtual threshold method and, from the observation data of plural electronic thresholds, I create the extremely near virtual thresholds of the surveying spot and observe it. I can survey the 3-4 grade threshold by following the procedure of work regulations of the public surveying.

An apparatus name: D-GNSS
Standard, abilityAmountRemarks
Horizontal precision: 0.25m +1 ppm RMS, perpendicular precision: 0.50m +1 ppm RMS,
Antenna horizontal precision: 0.6m
Trimble SPS356
Trimble SPS351
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